Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bloodsuckers! Episode II :-(

This morning I found a lone bloodsucker on my PILLOW when I awoke: a teensy weensy bed bug!

So it's been crawling bloodsuckers rather than a flying ones that have been wreaking havoc on my body in the last month! Their itch is intense--I can hardly stand myself.

I'm almost surprised I caught it; they're known to feast in the dark, before dawn. The one I caught this morning running from me on the pillow must have hung around the buffet table a bit too long, as hubby put it! In broad daylight, no less. It's in a glass jar now sitting between the computers, for our morbid fascination. ;-)

I can't believe such a tiny thing can cause such misery! Hubby only got bit a few times in the last month, most recently last night. But he hardly even notices it. The itch is overwhelming. Last weekend, I got NO sleep at all because the itching drove me nuts, even after I had taken antihistamine and applied a topical cream to it. If someone had taken my arms away, I would have been happy, it was that bad (it made me cry like a baby!).

I had been just sitting on the bed reading Saturday night when I felt a tingling burning and itch on the inside of my arm...yet I didn't see anything but red bumps...about 20 of them in an elongated cluster. Like I had chicken pox all over again. Yech! Before I knew it, it itched like the dickens--and combined with the half dozen or so on my left arm, plus a mess of them on my shoulders, I got no respite all night.

Sometimes the itch is SO intense I'm beside myself. I can't stand myself and want to crawl out of my own skin. Can't concentrate or anything. I have a high pain threshold, but absolutely NO itch tolerance at all! %-(

Tonight, hubby put sticky tape all around the bed, hoping they'll stick to it when they come after us. I did wash the sheets in hot water, wipe the mattress down with Mr. Clean, and vaccum already. It might need lord knows how many more sessions of that.

I hope my prescription anti-itch cream comes soon; I was too impatient to wait in the long long at the pharmacy for it the other day, so I called the mail order pharmacy the next day. It's hard to do ANYTHING when you feel like you want to jump out of your skin. :~-(

This afternoon, it didn't help that when I was trying to purchase airline tickets online for xmas, the site didn't let me complete the purchase right around the time my itch was completely overwhelming me! Thank goodness hubby had the patience to finish it all for me.

Crawling bloodsuckers or flying bloodsuckers, I hope I don't turn into a vampire before Halloween!

* * * * * * *

Appetite Vampire library of Darkness : Appetite , Vatishi Vampire library of Darkness : Appetite , Vatishi

I want you to be my victim!
All i want is you.
Your skin so white,
whets my appetite,
your dreams, i dream,
in your bed at night.
And i sleep by your frame,
curling around my finger,
with hooks in my brain,
Blood in your veins,
slides down my thoat,
pooling inside,
now i feel you again!
This bliss,
this perfect
and passionate kiss.
Marks us in red.
I life well fed.

by Vatishi

(that last line: A life well fed, or I LIVE well fed??)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bloodsuckers! :-(

I'm being eaten alive! And I can't even see what's biting me.

I must really have delicious blood. This morning I woke up to seven fresh bites. I am not a good person to bite because I have a very low threshold for itching. Nasty flying vampires! %-(

It's a wonder I still have any blood flowing, given that I've been mercilessly bitten since childhood. My mom always told me to rub the bite with alcohol, but the relief from itching is only fleeting. Since I moved to the east coast 14 years ago, I've also got bitten by gnats--and the itch from their bite last DAYS, not hours, like a mosquito. Once, my former doctor didn't believe me when I told him I was bit by a gnat. That really annoyed me; I'm the one the squished the bloody booger (literally!) on the site where it just sucked my blood, somewhere on my leg.

I used to hate ALL insects, but I know they're not all completely evil. I have a fondness and fascination with ladybugs, fireflies, woolly worms, fuzzy catapillars, bright butterflies, and yes...even ants! But I'll save them for another post. This one is dedicated to spewing my anger toward the flying kind that bite or sting.

I despise them SO much that I regard any person who I perceive as mean-spirited and treats others badly as an insect. An insect! How much lower can I go to describe them and their behavior than to compare them to creatures I loathe?

If I happen to have the misfortune to be the target of someone's bad mood--particularly from a male stranger who doesn't know how to keep his balls and his brains where they belong, I feel strongly compelled to shout, "You ought to be glad I'm not an insect!" Y'know, like a praying mantis. The female bites off the head of the male. Yuck!

Although spiders aren't insects, black widows do pretty much the same thing. Males in the insect world really have it bad! Slam, bam, thank you, SIR! Thanks for the fun, for fulfilling your biological duty. Have a nice afterlife! %-0

I often find myself waking up in the middle of the night itching my bites with ferocious intensity. That's not a good thing, but sometimes even the hydrocortisone cream I use for the itch isn't very effective.
The itch is intense and so is my dislike for the bloody, biting boogers.

This afternoon, I went online and searched for natural remedies. One was a mixture of vegetable oil and pure lavender oil. I like lavender (just a hint), having just bought a jar of lavender-scented massage cream to use on my clients, but I forgot how powerful pure oil can be! Whew! %-0 Hubby closed the bathroom door. I suppose it helped stop the itch, but not for very long. The scent was overpowering. Way too strong for my sensitive, doggy nose. I later went over my bites with alcohol to try to take out the lavender scent, but there's still a little bit lingering on me. I get sick to my stomach if a scent is too strong.

I'm stuck with the OTC remedies, for now, until I can find a less smelly alternative. Got any ideas, anyone?

Avon had an insect repellant lotion that I bought several years ago. I wonder if it's still effective? I confess I've had it since the summer before my youngest bil got married--I remember I've had it since then because I was at a party and my mil's late best friend spilled the beans and told everyone he was engaged! I sat there amongst the others, smothered in Avon's strongly scented lotion which I could barely tolerate--but virtually unbitten by the swarming mosquitoes, while everyone was getting jiggly and itchy from bites. It was quite pleasant to not get bitten for once!

What are these flying creatures dining on these days that make their venom so powerful? Or am I just getting more sensitive with time? I have a much higher tolerance for pain than for itch.

I got my first sting from a tiny yellowjacket a few years ago. That hurt all day long! %-( That thing was so small it was almost cute! Hubby and I put it in one of those tiny plastic take-out soy sauce containers so I could study it, with the help of the internet. Is that weird? I wanted to find out what it was that caused my neck to burn and sting all day, that's all! Unbelievable how such a tiny thing could have such a big effect. Thank goodness it wasn't an adult-sized yellowjacket. The size alone would have scared the heck out of me!

What's worse? More than a half-dozen unbearably itchy bites distributed throughout your body that lasts for several days or one nasty, burning sting that lasts all day long? They're both unwanted, as far as I'm concerned.

How do I make myself less savory to these flying bloodsuckers? They never ever seem to bite hubby. He says they've had their fill of him! They want new, tasty Chinese food! It'd be nice if they'd have their fill of me someday. I hope so, but it doesn't seem like it, after all these years.