Saturday, March 3, 2007

Looking for the Lunar Cookie Eclipse

I went out three times this evening to see if I could find the lunar eclipse, which was supposed to be visible best from the east coast, in the US tonight. We didn't know a thing about it, until we heard it on NPR this evening.

So we set the timer, according to a website about lunar eclipses, on when the peak time would be. This is when the earth's shadow would be covering the moon, and a red shadow can be seen below. The first time, at the appointed peak time, there were so many clouds, and it was still quite light on one half of the sky. We didn't see anything. About a half hour later, I went out alone, and thought I saw a rounded maybe that was it. I hope it was, just so I can tell myself I saw an eclipse for once in my life! It seemed very faint, with clouds passing a dark shadow against a rounded shape, like a fat crescent: kind of eerie, like something out of a scary movie! The third time, a few minutes ago, I couldn't see anything. My mother in-law called to ask if we could see it: she had a much better view, even though she still had clouds where she was, two hours south, near the ocean.

These eclipses don't happen very often. I'll have to wait until August 28 of this year, for the next one. To find a schedule of eclipses, solar and lunar, check out:

One day in my life I'd like to witness a solar or lunar eclipse. I think it'd be pretty cool! I imagine a solar eclipse would be more dramatic, as it is daytime and then soon there is darkness, whereas with a lunar eclipse, it's already dark outside. Oh, what do I know? I'll just have to wait for the next eclipse!


If what I saw was a partial eclipse this evening, the moon looked like a fat crescent shaped cookie. Like the lemon cooler cookies I bought on impulse from the mom of a student at my taekwondo school last night. Which means, the student was also a girl scout.:-)

I didn't see the lemon cooler cookies listed on the list when I ordered the first box, from another student. Samosas--the coconut and chocolate cookies. Those were good! My family always ordered mint chocolate when my sister was in Girl Scouts. The family favorite. And then, I don't know when...but newer cookies came along and then there were LEMON COOLERS! Sunshine Co. or Nabisco used to make them, but I don't see them anymore. :-(

Lemon coolers! Girl Scouts to the rescue! Yay! When I looked at all the cookie boxes inside the big cardboard boxes, I didn't see lemon coolers, and just casually mentioned that I missed them and didn't see them on the list.

Hey! She said she had ONE box, which she had gotten in a trade from another troop, or something to that effect. It was in her trunk; did I want it? YES! Omigosh, that's like asking, did I need water?!

My goodness, no self-discipline on my part! Here I am, trying to eat healthier, more vegetarian, and then, COOKIES show up before me. What can I do? And one of my favorites. Long time, no see, lemon coolers. I already have you half eaten up, and barely 24 hours have passed since I've obtained you.

It probably is not natural for most people to admit their shortcomings, especially when someone--particularly a loved one or close friend, points these things out to them--usually in a heated manner!:-( I certainly don't like it. But I hope that I have grown--and continue to grow wiser and more mature over time in facing my own shortcomings. And be willing to work on them. Especially when someone throws them at me. The truth is hard to bear!

Like when hubby says I have a sweet tooth and I can't help myself. OKAY, okay! I hear you! %-0 I know that he is only looking out for my long term health and wants me around for a long time, to grow old with. He himself does not have a sweet tooth, but if presented with a box of See's Candies or some other good dessert, he will eat it, for sure! Since my father got diabetes, I have strived to tell myself NO to sweet things. Or at the very least, cut down. His condition, as well as millions of others, ought to be enough to scare the daylights out of me.:-(

It's awfully hard. I do admit: I have a sweet tooth! I LOVE desserts! I ENJOY desserts!

I LOVE cheesecake--esp. with liqueur! Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream! Peach pie! Fruit pies and other sweet pies in general (but not mincemeat)! Tiramisu! Rich, deep, dark chocolate anything! And of course: cookies.

Cookies! They're like Lay's Potato Chips: you can't eat just one! I used to love making cookies. I make more muffins, these days, not that they're any more healthier than cookies. I don't like anything sickeningly sweet, though. Just sweet enough.

Which is why I've always loved the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. I've never outgrown the muppets, or the Looney Tunes gang for that matter! They make me laugh! A lot! Even though the big blue monster sometimes annoyed me with his bad English--which I know was part of him, he has always stood for one of the important, edible joys in life: COOKIES!

He once sang a song to the moon, which he envisioned as a cookie--and starting eating it. It was a riot! He touched my heart.:-))

Go make your day: find your favorite cookie and eat it, too! Bon appetit!


If Moon Was Cookie

Words by Luis Santeiro
Music by Stephen Lawrence
as sung by Cookie Monster (Frank Oz)

Oh, me love to look at sky at night, to see stars go twinkle-twinkle.
But, you know what me love to look at most - the moon.
It's so big and round. And you know what moon remind me of?
It remind me of big delicious cookie!
Imagine, imagine what me do if moon was cookie.

If moon was cookie, me think me would be
The happiest monster you've ever seen
I'd put on a spacesuit and up through the night
I'd ride in a rocket and go take a bite

Me take bite from here, me take bite from there
And pretty soon me bite everywhere
Me eat with both hands, don't need fork or spoon
I'd chew it all up, until there's no moon


Who turned out the lights? Oh, me know what happened.
Me ate moon and now there's no moonlight.

If moon was cookie it wouldn't be fine
'Cause if me ate it, then it wouldn't shine
Me come to the window and look up at night
But no little moonbeams would give me the light

So me not like to say it, but it clear to me
We're lucky that moon is not a cookie

1 comment:

washingtonsu said...

Cookie monster...always loved him! Haven't thought about the blue guy for a very long time...thanks for reminding me of kinder, gentler, less complicated times...brought a smile to my face!